wrote:Dear Brandoo
As far as fit out possession concept in OH is concerned, Omaxe has done it in case of 3BHKs . Residents were offered possession on basics of this concept and people started living in their without getting the registry done. They had to submit s stamp paper with Omaxe stating it is only for FIT OUT purpose. I don't know whether there are still settled with registry issue or not
I am raising the issue about Omaxe Hill is sector 41,43 Surjakund not about Omaxe Height in sector 86.
Yogesh thank you for the reply but I know the process you have stated.
I am looking to device mechanism so that buyers can resist builders when fit out possession is offered.
Valid license is prerequisite to apply for OC, OC is prerequisite to offer possession and then registry. This is what we all know.
Fit-out doesn't anywhere in this schema. BPTP, Piyush (sheer audacity and guts on the part of Piyush that without valid license Piyush offered fit-out and demanded final payment), now Omaxe. Tomorrow many will follow the suite such as RPS, SRS, ERA, Puri etc.
I am no problem as such with fit-out possession if builder is not stopping delay penalty and not demanding final payment. Therein lies problem. The moment builder offer fit-out possession, delay penalty is stopped, demand final payment (suppose to be asked at the time of actual possession just before registry) and if not paid on time then holding charges and interest @ 24-36% depending on builder.
Kindly pour some piece of advice on how to counter this legally. Going to builder's office, bashing some lower rank customer relation guy/gal will not solve anything.
DTP/STP's 1st reaction when we approached in case of Piyush was, this is between you and builder and you have to honour your agreement, don't waste my time. This speaks volumes about the attitude. What if some builder has valid license, OC or partial completion certificate and builder is offering Fitout not final possession.