This is to bring into the kind attention of media that BPTP has done a big injustice to its customers of Elite Floor Project (BPTP Parklands, Faridabad) by raising an additional demand of Rs 4 to 5 Lacs for its 4,997 units consisting of 180 sq. yard, 250 sq. yard and 300 sq. yard size. For this unjustified and unexpected demand, BPTP has cited the reason that with construction at an advanced stage, super built up area has been measured to be 150 to 200 sq-ft more as compared to mentioned at the time of booking. Interesting point in this is that carpet area has not increased at all. As per BPTP, common area (consisting of Shaft, Mumty, Common service terrace, canopy, boundary wall etc) has increased during construction. Moreover, BPTP is not giving any exact details and justification for this increase of super built up area. On doing queries, BPTP just gives reference of the word “tentative super-built up area” which they have put in Builder-Buyer Agreement, signing on which was not at all optional. Customers are shocked and confused. Media is requested to give voice to this injustice.
From a middle class layman BPTP customer perspective, following are the disturbing issues:
Cost of the house should not increase by 5-6 Lacs as compared to the amount which was advertised on the time of booking, highlighting the Elite Floor Project as a low cost housing project due to which 4900+ customers had opted for this project. Now market being up, is it valid on part of BPTP to raise the cost of these units by 5-6 Lacs.
How could BPTP, having qualified architects and civil engineers, not foresee this 200 sq-ft increase of common area, not even during construction. Proposed construction plan and proposed drawing needs the approval of HUDA Authority, which is another stage of checking. Does this not reflect that mistake is not incidental ?
If this increase of super built up area comes out to be say 500 sq-ft, in that case, will the customer have to pay Rs 10 Lacs more without increase of a single sq-ft of carpet area ?
If customers bow before this unjustified demand and pay it, is there any assurance that BPTP will not ask for further money with same or similar reason ?
Does “Tentative increase” of super built up area as mentioned in agreement have no upper limit? Can this deviation be of 15-20% ?
Why “Super Built Up Area” terminology was not there in the original booking application and later in Builder Buyer Agreement? Why it was introduced later as an “Addendum” to agreement? Was consent (including option of not going for it) from the customers regarding this new term taken?
As per the clause no.1.15 of the Builder Buyer Agreement, the Final Super Buildup Area of the Floors shall be determined after the completion of construction of the said colony. This stage is yet to come, even then BPTP has asked money for increased super buildup area. Is it genuine?
As per Clause No.1.3 and 1.4 of the Builder Buyer Agreement, if the super built-up area will decrease, then the amount will be calculated on the Basic Sale Price and if the area will increase, then the increased area will be charge from higher rate (Rs.2,425/-). Is this double standard not a method just to to be beneficiary in any case.
Most of the customers had taken loan for it. Even financing bank requires justification and proof about the increases area to finance additional loan, in absence of which, it denies the payment. How will they convince their respective banks?
Company has not intimated to the Bankers/Financial Institutions about the increase of super buildup area and not got re-sanctioned the revised plan and Value of the project. It is normal practice in Real Estate, that the Builder gets sanction/approval from financial institutions. Why BPTP has not done it ?
Links where unrest and objections of customers might be seen :
http://faridabadmetro.com/2011/07/11/bp ... faridabad/http://faridabadmetro.com/2011/07/01/bp ... faridabad/http://faridabadmetro.com/2011/06/29/bp ... faridabad/http://faridabadmetro.com/2011/06/29/bp ... e-gurgaon/http://www.voiceoffaridabad.in/readnews ... =18&id=813http://www.complaints-india.com/complai ... dabad.htmlhttp://www.grahakseva.com/complaints/19 ... tp-builderबी.पी.टी.पी. फरीदाबाद का मनमाना गोरखधंधा
बी.पी.टी.पी. बिल्डर ग्रुप का फरीदाबाद के नहर पार क्षेत्र में "पार्क लैंड एलीट फ्लोर" नाम से एक प्रोजेक्ट चल रहा है जिसमें प्रारंभ में बुकिंग के समय ग्राहकों को 1203 वर्ग फुट सुपर बिल्ड अप एरिया के हिसाब से 1860 रुपये प्रति वर्ग फुट की दर से 250 गज के फ्लैट देने का वायदा किया गया था ! इस मूल्य व बी.पी.टी.पी. की साख को देखते हुए बहुत बड़ी मात्रा में लोगों ने ये फ्लैट ख़रीदे परन्तु अभी पिछले सप्ताह ही कंपनी द्वारा एक जोरदार झटका सभी ग्राहकों को दिया गया ! कंपनी ने कहा कि फ्लैट बनाने के बाद पाया गया है कि सुपर बिल्ड अप एरिया 1203 से बढ़कर वर्ग फुट हो गया है, इसलिए सभी ग्राहकों को इस बढे हुए 191 वर्ग फुट क्षेत्र का मूल्य बढ़ी हुई दर से देना होगा जोकि लगभग 4.75 लाख बनता है ! सवाल ये उठा है कि कंपनी को इतने दिनों बाद ही बढ़ी हुई जगह के बारे में क्यों पता चला. हर ब्लाक में उसने पहले सैम्पल फ्लैट भी बनाएं थे , क्या उस समय भी ये पता नहीं चल पाया . इतनी बड़ी गलती इतने बड़े ग्रुप के सिविल इंजीनियरों से हो जाये और वो भी सभी फ्लेटों में, यह अविश्वसनीय है | ऐसे समय में जब फ्लैट पूरे होने के नजदीक हैं, कंपनी द्वारा इस प्रकार की अनुचित मांग करना केवल ग्राहकों की असहायता का फायदा उठाना ही है. 4000 से भी ऊपर ग्राहकों पर यह मार पड़ी है या पड़ने वाली है 7 मेहनत से कमाया गया धन इस तरह के मनमाने गोरखधंधे की बलि चढ़ जाये , इससे बड़ा भ्रष्टाचार और क्या होगा ?
Note: A protest and interaction with media is scheduled for Friday 15th July, at 2 pm BPTP site office in Faridabad. Contact Persons : Mr. Vijender (
2vijender@gmail.com) and Mr. Gopal Vijay (9891911567)