Hi All,
We have been facing few challanges with respect to cash receipts and online banking. Few of these are resolved and few still remains. Here is the system we follow, for information of all:
1. All the members who paid cash or handed over cheques have been issued physical cash receipts last Sunday(19th June). In case you have paid cash or cheque and have not yet received your receipt, please write to me at
Shortly, we will be setting up few nodal points at various locations where members can pay cash/cheuqe to appointed GFWA member and can collect receipt.
The names and addresses of these representatives will be made available on forum very soon.
2. All the members who paid online and submitted forms -- The data from forms has been converted into excel file and 58 receipts for people who submitted their forms till 18th June have been issued. The receipt number will be provided to all these members within this week.
For all members doing online payments this week, receipt numbers will be issued within 7 days of transaction. In case any of you does not get it, please write to me at
However, to be honest we do not have resources to courier/scan all receipts for posting. I hope receipt number is OK and members can collect their receipts during any GFWA meeting.
Anyone who has made payment online but has not submitted form, please do so asap as we do not have any format yet to track these payments. However, as far as the utilization of funds is concerned, please rest assured that your money is still in account and will be taken care of.
We are sorry for the delay till now and request members to be patient understanding that we do not have any infrastructure or staff to manage all this. All of us have hectic work routines and take time out only during nights to do all this.
Members list, total contributions and GFWA a/c statement will be available in all GFWA meetings(was available in 19th June meeting too). Please feel free to ask for it in case you want to glance through it.
In case any member has any query in this regard, please raise the same.