50000 Faridabad Home seekers affected - Rs 25000 cr stuck!!!
Read 5984 times
Written by Admin Wednesday, 26 October 2011
"Its going to be another challenging day for investors in Faridabad on the 1st of November, the date for the next hearing on PLI filed with P&H High Court about the Unscrupulous rise in the EDC (External Development Charges) by HUDA (Haryana Urban Development Authority)..
Those in know, would be aware that many individual investors as well as a local, home grown association rising to the cause of the deprived, "The GFWA (myfaridabad.in)" had taken a brave step of taking Huda to court after investors have succumbed Unjustified, excessive and unwarranted increase in EDC by HUDA without any development for last 6 years!!!. Huda has earlier in another case been slapped a fine by H&P High Court in a similar case filed by a NGO- Surge in Gurgaon
http://www.indianexpress.com/news/explain-external-development-charge-better/781994/ )
For those parting their lifes savings to pay the builders, for 6 long years now is an uphill task. The aspiration of owning a dream house is still a long way to go, some say another 3 years for development of basic amenities and external infrastructure, contributing to the woes of more than 50000 unit holders across 2500 acres of "govt approved" and "licenced" residential areas as per master plan. This was approved as per master plan 1991 and still awaiting execution after more than 20 years!!!
The sufferings have not stopped here and continue to afflict aspirants struggling to deal with “homelessness” due to “missed deadlines” by Developers and Huda for internal and external infrastructure development resulting in "delayed" or more aptly defined as "denied" possession to homes which are rightfully theirs.
This deplorable situation due to builder-politician-powerbroker nexus, has been further exalted by weight of Interest rates, increased by Govt 11th times since 2010. Adding insult to injury, the builders sheltered for their misdeeds have been increasing price (saleable area) by upto 25%, surprisingly after calling for 90% of agreed cost and more than 5 years of agreement.
Added to this is this severe jolt of increased demand for EDC/IDC by Huda for this area.. The EDC/IDC cost towards development of sewerage, master roads, electricity etc now constitute a phenomenal 15% appx of the total cost of a typical unit, "possibly the highest in the country". Reason as many understand, for this indiscriminate rise is "inaction by Huda" which has increased the cost of acquisition, material, manpower manifold to 419 Cr appx from a mere rough estimate of 130 Cr appx 5 years ago. Should Huda and administration be charged for dereliction of duty resulting in causing financial, mental and psychological sufferings to those affected?? Incidently the Haryana Chief Minister Mr B S Hooda is the chair person for the defaulting departments Huda and DTCP (http://haryana.gov.in/Administration/minister.asp) therefore enjoying immunity from law
The plight of families is miserable, as they are trapped between the monthly payment of Ever Increasing Rent and EMIs to banks causing them lack of dignity, insecurity, homelessness and possibly default.
High time State Govt and administration wakes to save the aggrieved and protect the “Right to Life" under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and relevant UN laid International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) to which our country is a signatory. Some are apprehensive that increasing burden of such accesses may lead to "destitution", "lawlessness" and more "legal ramblings" if things are not brought under control.. Already there have been massive protest on streets, chowks, parks, public places, Huda office, DC residence and the public displeasure is increasing by the day. All that people have achieved is assurance out of numerous meetings with people from administration and the ruling party but unfortunately, no execution.
Hope good sense will prevail and the High Court hearing would be ruled in the favour of grief stricken end users who are now hell bent not to vote in favour of the ruling congress govt in the next elections. "
Google docs open link for sharing. Spread this link to one and all with this years Diwali Greetings!!!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GO-6H7g9W7YrxXE39_Qm7AnKAox0DRCPfQDQsYupuqQ/edit?hl=en_GB
* Rational for Rs 25000Cr is
2500 Acre land under development X 4840sq yd = 12100000 sq yard
12100000 sq yard X 9 sqft per sq yd= 108900000 sq ft
108900000sq ft X 1.75 FAR (floor area permissible for sale in govt)= 190575000 sq feet total saleable area
190575000 sq ft / 1200 Sq Ft (average size of 2 BHK appartment) = 1.6 Lacs appx units possible
1.6 Lac X 20 lac per unit = Rs 32000 Crores
Adjusting for common areas, facilities, sector roads, etc.. it should appx work out as 25000 Crs
< Wake up call for Haryana Administration - Protest Rally 13th Nov 2011 | Protest against HUDA and Neharpar Builders March 2011 > |